Study: several benefits of eating nuts .. What?


Many studies link nut consumption in general with disease prevention and promote healthy body health. From this we review a new study related to nut consumption in particular and the prevention of heart disease. Here are the details.

Walnuts and heart health:

A recent study found that consuming 7 walnut tablets for 4 days a week reduced the incidence of heart disease by 30%, while 5 days a week reduced the risk of infection by 40%.

The study, published in the "Daily Health Post", has highlighted the benefits of nuts like nuts and almonds for heart and artery health, highlighting that nuts are as important as raw almonds, This helps focus research on its ability to lower cholesterol and maintain arteries.

Details of the study:

The study, conducted in people with a sharp increase in bad cholesterol, showed a significant improvement in cholesterol levels and blood vessel elasticity, thus helping to fluidify blood flow, barely four hours after taking nuts or walnut oil.

Regular intake of a handful of nuts a day can provide almost instant protection against heart disease after only two days, the researchers said. And other important minerals such as magnesium, zinc and iron, advised to eat nuts without removing the clear shell because they contain a large amount of antioxidants.

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