It is known that lack of sleep and lack of hours of healthy sleep pose a risk to public health as a whole. New scientific studies have been devoted to this topic and analyzed the damage caused by lack of sleep, namely:
Lack of sleep on health:
A new study has shown that some eye movements can be damaged when an individual does not sleep well enough.
A research team from the National Aeronautics and Space Research Center Ames In California, the results show the need to "measure neurological deficits" due to lack of sleep, to prevent workers and employees from committing serious accidents.
It has been shown that lack of sleep increases the risk of many health problems, including obesity, high blood pressure and diabetes.
In the new study, published in the journal Physiology, researchers examined 12 participants sleeping at 8:30 a night for two weeks. The researchers measured the continuous movements of eye tracking and rapid scanning and found that both movements were inconsistent and that participants had a problem with speed and direction of eye movement.
The team said the findings had important implications for those requiring visual and motor coordination, including pilots, surgeons, or the military.
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