Study: Tomato protects against liver cancer and inflammation


Tomatoes can help reduce fatty liver disease, liver cancer and inflammation

Tomatoes can help reduce fatty liver disease, liver cancer and inflammation

We have always heard about the benefits of aesthetic and healthy tomatoes, and a recent study has shown that they can protect against deadly diseases such as cancer.

A study conducted at Tufts University in Massachusetts found that tomatoes could help reduce fatty liver disease, liver cancer and inflammation.

According to HealthSight, experts have found that an increase in tomato consumption is associated with a lower risk of liver cancer, caused by a diet high in fat.

The study showed that tomatoes are rich in lycopene, a powerful anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and cancer that help reduce liver disease and liver cancer.

"Eating foods like tomatoes and processed tomatoes, such as paste, sauce, tomato juice and ketchup, is the best source of lycopene," said Xiangdong Wang, a professor at Tufts University.

In addition, Wang explained that tomato powder was more effective than the same dose of refined lycopene supplement in the prevention of liver cancer, because of the richness of tomatoes and their products containing vitamin E, vitamin C and folic acid, as well as minerals, phenols and dietary fiber.

In the course of the study, the experts noted that the consumption of mice for tomato powder increased the diversity of useful bacteria and prevented the growth of certain bacteria associated with inflammation, as well as the healing and decline of breast cancer. liver in diseased mice.

In addition to protecting against liver cancer, the study found that the consumption of tomatoes and their products was also associated with a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, diabetes and some cancers, including cancers of the prostate, lung, breast and colon.

Although guava, melons, grapefruit, papaya and red pepper contain lycopene, their concentrations are significantly lower than those of tomato.

Small tomatoes have innumerable health benefits

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