Summary of the most important news and events of the week




July 16

IMF: Slowdown in World Economic Growth

– The International Monetary Fund In the spring it became darker .

Wood Mackenzie expects world oil demand to peak in 2036

– Wood Mackenzie predicts demand for oil will peak in .

China's economic growth slowed to 6.7 percent in the second quarter

– China's GDP grew 6.7 percent in the second quarter of this year on an annualized basis . [196900017] Tuesday, July 17

Powell Supports Further Rising Interest Rates Through US Economic Growth

– Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell said the economy was continuing to grow fast enough to increase interest rates. 19659007].

Gold reaches the lowest close since mid-July 2017

– Gold prices fell on Tuesday as a result of the rise in US stocks and the rise of the dollar against most major currencies

July 18

China Ministry of Commerce: We will have to take further action in response to US fees

– The Chinese Ministry of Commerce said it should take further measures to compensate losses caused by US tariffs. 19659007].

The European Union plans to charge Google for its use of Android phones

– The European Union has fined 4.3 billion euros ($ 5 billion) to Google for its use of the Android operating system, C .

July 19

Russia uses oil reserves to increase production as a sign of supply elasticity

– Russia used the oil reserves it holds in the raw fields to support production in June, /hziran191959007]./19659017]

July 20

"Trump" aggravates threats to China: ready to charge duties on your exports to $ 500 billion [19659005] – President Donald Trump said he was ready to impose tariffs on all Chinese products Imported by the US $ 500 billion .

Oil prices could exceed $ 120 by the end of the year

– Oil prices have fallen more than 8% this month, but investors expect to rise from the last week . [Jsid=id;jsasync=true;jssrc=”http://connectfacebooknet/ar_AR/alljs#appId=775809312630290&xfbml=1″;dgetElementsByTagName('head')[0] .appendChild (js);} (document)); [19659034] [ad_2]
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