Symptoms and methods of treatment of dental neuropathy


The symptoms and methods of treating the dental nerve, which is one of the common problems among people, can lead to various symptoms, including the feeling of pain most often associated with the consumption of cold drinks and foods.

Any inflammation of this nerve or pulp can affect the health of the teeth and mouth and lead to many symptoms, which we discuss today in our topic with Dr. Shadi Abdul Fattah Albashabishi, Consultant in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery -Facial at the Burjil Hospital of Abu Dhabi.

Symptoms of dental neuritis

According to d. Shadi, the tooth is composed of three main layers, the outer layer is the enamel layer, then the middle layer or ivory and the inner layer is paste.

A toothpaste is the part that contains blood vessels, nerves and tissues, and the accumulation of leftovers and the abandonment of tooth cleaning cause tooth decay and necrosis can reach the inner layer of age and the heart of the tooth.

Cavities and neck contain large amounts of bacteria that can cause inflammation of the teeth nerve so that fluids caused by the pressure of inflammation inside the channels and generate very serious nerves. It is known that the inner layer is responsible for the sensation in the teeth.

Causes of inflammation of the dental nerve

Dr. Shadi pointed out that the inflammation of the dental nerve results from the following reasons:

• Lack of clean teeth or attention to what causes decay and necrosis.

• Neglecting existing caries resulting in increased size and nerve reach of the tooth.

• Some injuries and fractures reaching the heart of the tooth.

• Gingivitis, which can spread to the roots of teeth and cause inflammation of the nerve of the tooth.

Emphasizing that inflammation of the teeth nerve can be reversible or irreversible, which means that the pain caused by tooth decay and inflammation of the tooth can be reversible or irreversible Eat cold or hot or eat sweets .

Once you stop taking these effects, the tooth disappears.

In case of irreversible nerve inflammation, there is pain in the presence of externalities, especially when you eat hot foods, and this pain may persist even after a prolonged cessation of consumption of these foods and only not make the painkillers disappear.

This can be surprising, without any stimulant, and even sleeping during sleep and not reacting to painkillers. In this case, one must pull the nerve of the tooth to get rid of the pressure inside the tooth and clean it of the bacteria.

If the inflammation of the tooth is reversible, the pain will be moderate and the catalyst will disappear, namely candies and cold drinks. In this case, it is not necessary to pull the nerve from the tooth, but only to clean the cavities and necrosis and fill in the age.

He adds d. There is concern that neglect of the dental nerve may result in nerve rot within the chamber or the presence of an abscess or even swelling of the surrounding tissues. , causing swelling of the cheek, face and surrounding places.

Methods of treatment of inflammation of the dental nerve

Said Dr. Shadi believes that removal of the dental nerve is an appropriate treatment in case of irreversible inflammation, where the doctor opens the age to the pulp chamber and cleans it, then opens the root canals and bacteria.

Usually, the doctor inserts a wedge into the tooth to be later coated, ceramic or zirconium, to protect the age after the nerve treatment as the teeth become after this process is somewhat weakened and to protect them later .

Methods to prevent inflammation of the teeth nerve

Stresses d. Do not consider the need to follow the following tips and guidelines for the prevention of inflammation of the human nerve:

• Keep your teeth clean every day, especially before bedtime.

• Reduce the consumption of sugars, especially at regular intervals throughout the day, with the need to clean teeth after eating sugars.

• Consult your doctor regularly to check the health and safety of your teeth and surrounding tissues.

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