Symptoms of physical depression


The symptoms of physical depression are the symptoms that occur in the person with depression. These symptoms vary from one person to another, their severity varies from one person to another, depending on the degree of depression. Depressive and severe symptoms are all the more obvious.

Signs of physical depression

Sleep problems

A depressed person may have trouble sleeping, suffer from insomnia almost all night, be unable to sleep or doze. Insomnia is a major symptom of physical depression because depression affects the mind and mental health also affects the body.

The feeling of constant tiredness

A depressed person always feels very tired and tired, even without effort, for no reason, she becomes unable to work, loses the desire to do anything or any effort and becomes unable to do her daily work.

Sensation of chest pain

A person suffering from depression is often at risk for heart problems. Therefore, when you feel chest pain, it is necessary to consult a doctor quickly to obtain the necessary advice. Also affect the mind also affects the physical condition especially in the heart.

Pain in muscles and joints

It is possible that a person who is constantly suffering from pain in the muscles and joints becomes depressed because of these continuous pains and vice versa, since depression can cause pain in the body and especially in the muscles and joints. .

Gastrointestinal problems

Many stressed or worried people have digestive and intestinal problems, problems with digestion, diarrhea or constipation and can sometimes be infected, and the colon is very affected by the psychological situation. They suffer from cramps in the colon, so the problems with the digestive system are the most important symptoms of physical depression. Depression causes problems with digestion.

Weight change

Where people differ in this regard, there are those who suffer from loss of appetite and lack of desire to eat in case of depression, and therefore suffer from significant weight loss, and in many cases. Other cases can cause depression in the diet, the person becomes unable to stop eating and eating very greedy Which results in very significant weight gain and, therefore, a change in eating habits is the one of the symptoms of physical depression.


Depressed people are more likely to have headaches, especially migraines, which have a significant impact on their physical condition and on the most obvious signs.

Feeling of back pain

People with depression often experience pain and pain in the back and neck, and vice versa. Back and neck pain increases the risk of depression and psychological problems.

Tension in the conjugal relationship

Medications that treat depression can negatively affect intimacy, and depression can make the person want to upset his relationship.

Frenzy and nervousness

Depression can cause a person's feeling of irritability, nervousness, and constant tension, and can be caused by tension and anxiety, their inability to sleep regularly, and insomnia.

Stop doing the exercise

Some people regularly get used to exercise, but when they suffer from depression, they lose all desire to exercise and stop exercising. Exercise should be used to reduce the symptoms of depression and improve one's psychological state.

He has the ability to concentrate

Depression can make a person unable to concentrate, become distracted and unable to focus on his schoolwork or concentration, and a person's memory becomes weak and constantly forgets many things.

Weak immune system

Psychological problems greatly affect the immune system: when a person becomes nervous and anxious, his immune system weakens and his body becomes unable to resist diseases and infections and falls easily ill.


Stress and anxiety cause an elevation of blood pressure above normal. In this case, you must immediately consult a doctor to control this increase. Hypertension is a disease that causes many problems.

Increased pain

When a depressed person is exposed to a minor accident and that it causes very little pain, she feels an intense and abnormal pain, the pain increases more than usual, becomes more sensitive to the sense of pain and the sensation of pain constantly increases the risk of depression and suffering. Psychological.

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