Symptoms of tonsillitis in children


Inflammation related to almonds is common in children aged 3 to 7 years old. Tonsils consist of lymphatic tissue. Their task is to produce antibodies that are resistant to infection, but this tissue is consistent with the site report. " Medbroadcast"Subject to the same infection, where tonsillitis can result from a viral or bacterial infection.

Causes of tonsillitis

Group A Streptococcus: A common bacterium that causes laryngitis in 1 in 5 people, including adults, many people have no symptoms but can still transmit bacteria.

Streptococcus (a) Streptococcus can also cause strep throat and, under certain circumstances, a more serious disease, such as rheumatic fever.

Respiratory viruses: It is mostly the cold and flu viruses that cause most tonsillitis. This infection can sometimes be more moderate than bacterial infection, but it is often difficult to differentiate between viral and bacterial infections.


Symptoms of tonsillitis

The main symptom of tonsillitis is sore throat, but throat and ears share the same nerves, causing tingling in the ear. Young children can not complain about sore throats, but may refuse to eat.


Swelling of the lymph nodes in the neck.



One of the complications of bacterial infection is rheumatic fever, which causes lesions throughout the body, especially the heart, resulting in heart disease.

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Inflammation of almond 3

Treatment and prevention of tonsillitis

If you have tonsillitis, you must be comfortable and drink plenty of hot liquids, but you should avoid taking drugs containing acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) In children with a viral infection, where it can lead to Ray's syndrome, a very serious disease affecting many organs, including the brain and liver.

When you are infected with bacterial tonsillitis, your doctor will probably prescribe antibiotics, which are generally not prescribed until laboratory tests confirm that the bacteria are the cause.

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Inflammation of almond 1

Diagnosis of tonsillitis

The inflammation of the tonsils is confirmed by visual examination. When the doctor opens, he can open the eye to see the tonsils located deep in the throat. He is red and inflamed. The virus often causes small red spots in the mouth, while the bacteria leaves a thin white membrane. On the tonsils themselves.

However, none of these symptoms can diagnose the cause of tonsillitis only by its appearance, which is why it is often necessary to make a painful swab to determine the cause of the infection. Blood tests are usually necessary to diagnose infectious white blood cells.

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Inflammation of almond 4

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