Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency and causes of diseases in the body


Vitamin D plays an important role in the prevention of a large number of diseases.

Studies indicate, according to "Madam", that any deficiency in this vitamin can lead to serious diseases.

Vitamin D strengthens the immune system

Vitamin D plays an important role in stimulating the body's immunity, preventing colds and flu, and reducing the duration of the disease.

Increases the activity of white blood cells that digest or ingest bacteria and promotes the production of anti-inflammatory peptides and anti-inflammatory cytokines.

There is a link between seasonal variations in vitamin D status in the body and the incidence of serious inflammatory diseases, especially respiratory infections. One study found that 1,200 IU of vitamins (about 30 mg per day) caused a 42% drop in schoolchildren's flu in Japan.

2. Vitamin D deficiency

According to the authors of the study, vitamin D plays a vital role in the elderly by reducing the risk of death, especially cardiovascular disease.

3. Vitamin D deficiency

Multiple sclerosis confirms for the first time a large-scale study, a link between blood levels of vitamin D and the risk of multiple sclerosis. The study was conducted in the US Army and included 257 employees.

But there are also other autoimmune diseases, such as type 1 diabetes or rheumatoid arthritis, which are more common in countries far away from the equator and among groups of people with a deficiency in vitamin D, especially before the age of 20 years.

Vitamin D and cancer

Is there a link between vitamin D and breast cancer? To answer this question, a Canadian team studied a group of 500 women who had been diagnosed with a breast tumor and had been followed for several years.

The first surprise: At the time of diagnosis, more than a third of women with vitamin D deficiency, up to 40% and only 25% of the population, had normal vitamin.

The second surprise: Women with vitamin D deficiency were twice as fast as those with normal vitamin levels, and their overall survival was about 73%.

Another study showed that the risk factor for breast cancer was 25% lower in women with high vitamin D levels.

An 18-year, 15,000-man study has confirmed that adequate levels of vitamin D protect against prostate cancer.

5. Vitamin D and cognitive disorders

A UK study of men aged 40 to 79 showed that those with low levels of vitamin D failed some tests of cognitive function and that it was urgent to conduct extensive studies to determine if supplements would keep jobs. Cognitive.

6. Vitamin D and Parkinson's disease

A Finnish study of nearly 30 years has shown that low levels of vitamin D can predict the risk of neurological disease. Vitamin D can have this neuroprotective function through antioxidant mechanisms, neuronal calcium regulation, immune immunity, an increase in neurotransmitters or even detoxification.

A US study conducted in January 2014, involving 266 people, suggested that vitamin D could prevent impaired cognitive function in patients with Parkinson's disease – Parkinson's disease.

7. Take Vitamin D Relieves Pain and Suffering

In a Norwegian study of 500 patients, the authors noted a link between low levels of serum vitamin D and headaches.

Another study involving more than 3,000 people revealed a link between vitamins and chronic pain.

Another study of diabetic patients showed that there was a link between the correction of vitamin D deficiency and the reduction of the severity of neuropathic pain.

Good levels of vitamin D relieve the pain caused by breast cancer.

Vitamin D prevents the risk of falling in the elderly

Since vitamin D has a direct effect on muscle strength because there are some muscle-specific receptors, it makes sense to increase the effect on preventing the fall of the elderly. A joint study from both countries showed that the daily dose of 700 to 1,000 IU vitamin D reduced the risk of falling by 19%.

– Vitamin D and depression

A meta-analysis showed a link between low levels of vitamin D and depression. It therefore seems clear that it is advisable to improve the state of vitamin D as part of the risks of depression and traditional treatments for depression.

10. Vitamin D and high blood pressure
An international team from Lancet reviewed a meta-analysis of more than 100,000 people: Given genetic factors, the level of vitamin D has a real effect on blood pressure, especially on systolic blood pressure (high ).

11. Vitamin D deficiency can increase asthma attacks
Researchers have suggested that asthma attacks are associated with vitamin D deficiency. People with asthma, low vitamin D levels or vitamin supplements and moderate exposure to sun to reduce the severity of asthma attacks may be advised.

12. fight against precocious puberty

Early puberty appears to be a new health problem and would be linked to the use of insecticides. A recent study showed that taking vitamin D would help bring the problem back to normal.

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