The nervous system is a complex and sophisticated system that regulates and coordinates the activities of the body and consists of two main parts, namely::
Central nervous system
This includes the brain and spinal cord.
Peripheral nervous system
It includes all other nervous elements, including peripheral nerves and involuntary nerves..
Symptoms of weak nerves
The main organs of the nervous system are::
The eyes
Sensory devices with odor
Sensory receptors are present in the skin, joints, muscles and other parts of the body
Symptoms of weak nerves
Nervous system disorders
The nervous system is sensitive to various disorders. He can be infected with the following:
Structural defects
Disturbance of the blood circulation
Autoimmune disorders
Nervous system disorders
Symptoms of weak nerves
Neurological disorders may include::
Vascular disorders, such as stroke, meningeal hemorrhage, haemorrhagic hemorrhage, hemangioma and epidural bleeding
Infections, such as meningitis, encephalitis, poliomyelitis and epidural abscess
Structural disorders, such as brain or spinal cord injury, Bell's palsy, cervical spondylosis, carpal tunnel syndrome, brain or spinal tumors, peripheral neuropathy and Gian-Barre syndrome.
Functional disorders, such as headache, epilepsy, dizziness and nerve pain
Caries, such as Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis and endothelial sclerosis (ALS) And Alzheimer's disease
Symptoms of weak nerves
Signs and symptoms of the weak nervous system
The most common signs and symptoms of nervous system disorders are::
Continued or sudden onset of headache
The headache changes or varies
Loss of sensation or tingling
Weakness or loss of muscle strength
Loss of vision or double vision
Low mental capacity
Lack of coordination
Muscle stiffness
Shocks and convulsions
Back pain that radiates to the feet, toes or other parts of the body
Muscle wasting and speech is not clear
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