Syria News Industry Arabic content on the Internet during the first days of the Arabic language conference



The 10th annual conference of the Arabic language complex, entitled "The reality of the Arabic language in our time", addressed the reality of the Arab content industry on the Internet and the development prospects of the Arabic digital library.

Dr. Ali Hassan Tarash of Iraq gave a lecture entitled "Overcoming the obstacles to the development of indicators of the digital content industry" during which he tackled the obstacles to digital content at the light of the rapid growth of this content in the world because of its role in enhancing the role of culture.

He also referred to the experience of the University of Information and Communication Technologies of the Iraqi Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research to adopt methodologies and provide tools to develop the reality of the Arab digital content industry, as well as recommendations for the adoption of scientific means for multidirectional cooperation, partnership and training to overcome obstacles and protect heritage Arabic language.

Lecture by Mr. Mohamed Breg, Algeria, entitled "Study on the Arab ammunition project, its advantages, its cultural dimensions" The Arab Digital Library, which includes books, maps, manuscripts, newspapers, magazines, photos and sound recordings. The purpose of this library is to expand the scope of cultural content on the Internet. And reduce the gap between countries and cultures.

According to Brig, the share of Arab countries in the world digital library does not exceed 6%, although the language of Chad occupies the highest proportion, followed by English, Spanish and Russian.

Mr. Nizar Al-Hafiz's lecture entitled "The Reality of Arabic Digital Content on the Internet", in which he explained that one of the features of the Web was easy access and its low cost , which shows competition between the world's languages ​​for increasing digital content, indicating the rates of this web presence and the most popular sites and initiatives that seek to enrich it. The sites published in Arabic and the challenges they face prevent them from competing in the major languages ​​of the world.

While researcher Marwan Al-Bawab reviewed in his lecture titled "Arab Content in the World Digital Library" statistics on the contents of the digital library of publications, photos, newspapers, magazines, books, manuscripts, films and other films, estimated at about 20,000 articles and over a million files, pointing out that the purpose of the library is to increase the amount of cultural content on the Internet in quantity and quality, provide resources to researchers and to the large multi-lingual and strengthen the capacity of partner institutions to bridge the gap between languages ​​and cultures.

Engineer Zahira Hamza explained the location of the Arabic language complex on the site and its contents, indicating that it was created in 2015, but did not provide the desired results. The creation of another site was completed nine months ago and work is still ongoing.

The conference will continue its discussions tomorrow on a number of issues, including the resolutions and methods adopted by the Committee on the Arabic Language and Linguistic Terminology in the courses of the Faculty of Arabic Language, Scientific and Legal Terminology and Language Studies. 39, Arabization in the Arab world.

Bilal Ahmed

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