Syria News Terminology .. Problems and solutions of the second day of the Assembly of the Arabic language



The 10th Annual Conference of the Arabic Language Complex, entitled "The Reality of the Arabic Language in Contemporary Times", was discussed in its conference room in Damascus.

Mr. Basheer Al-Jaili Mustafa, a member of the Sudanese Language Academy, presented a paper entitled "Linguistic Terminology in the Courses of Arabic Language Faculties and Their Departments in Sudanese Universities", on behalf of Dr. Bakri Mohammed Al-Hajj, President of the Council. Sudanese universities have monitored the use of these terms in the language curriculum as well as the problems associated with their use in the university curriculum, with suggestions for overcoming them. Wishes and confusion to students and researchers.

Mr. Mowaffaq Daaboul, a member of the Academy of Arabic Language in Damascus, explained in his study "Scientific terminology and its problems" that Syria had started since the beginning of the twentieth century to place talks in Arabic in the affairs of the administration within the various ministries and institutions of the State and that education in Syria was ensured. With an interest in foreign languages ​​as scientific and economic imperatives.

"Arabic Language .. Language of Science, Culture and Life" The title of the research presented by Mr. Hafez Shams El-Din Abdel Wahab, member of the Academy of Arabic Language of Cairo, stressed that many challenges came from abroad, from bodies and countries known to all in a single tribute to uproot the Arabic language. Its roots are firmly rooted in the consciousness of all those who pronounce it.

A member of the Arabic Language Academy in Damascus, Aboud Al-Sarraj, addressed the legal terminology and its problems – the legal language and its terminology, as well as the difficulties encountered over the past two centuries to make a difference. place in linguistics, because it is a specialized language with multiple meanings. Grammatical and grammatical uses and some translations of legal terms from foreign languages ​​into Arabic.

Member of the Jordanian Arab Academy, Mohamed Hor Bin, in his research work "Arabization in the Arab world, from the illusion of truth to the real illusion", has shown that the experiences of Arab language assemblies in the Arab world represented a clear and sincere voice in major projects that exceed their potential, including at the national and national levels.

The conference will continue its work tomorrow by addressing a number of topics and issues facing the Arab language.

Shatha Hammoud

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