Syrian translator: "Naguib Mahfouz" drew the attention of the West to Arabic literature


Syrian critic and translator Subhi Hadidi said that the Western world was in agreement that the Arab peoples can produce a distinctive and important literature after the victory of the Arab-authored writer Naguib Mahfouz in 1988.

During the cultural seminar "Abdul Hameed Shoman", animated by the poet Zuhair Abu Chaib, during which the critic Subhi Hadidi evoked four pivotal points in the contemporary history of the Arab literary presence in Europe: 1979, the 1967 war, Naguib Mahfouz's Nobel Prize in 1988 and the attacks of 11 September. "

The Syrian translator pointed out that there is a particular European interest, both for the editor and for the reader, concerning the history of women in Saudi Arabia or the literature on relations between Islam and the West

Not in the Arabic language and its translation, but in the general understanding of the West, which believes that Arabic literature as a whole, is linked to a a series of populist religious cultural organizations, and therefore these organizations undoubtedly affect the taste of this literature at different levels


The Syrian critic added that Taha Hussein's book "Al-Ayyam" is the first book translated into French and the reason for its translation, attributed to the fact that this man considered the West as part of his culture.

Hadidi stressed that France is the first country in Arabic translation to Current time, e So we can not neglect that the French reader has a strange situation in the acceptance of Arabic literature.

"Edward Said" belongs to those few critics, theoreticians and thinkers who can easily identify their main intellectual categories, their curricula, their cognitive systems and their concerns, but it is always difficult to limit them to a specific school of thought or classify them according to the doctrine.

Said: "Edward Said was a great example of an intellectual who lives in a dialectical era, and the problem of phenomena is inscribed in the agenda of the mind, and the queen of thought is subject to a central, critical cognitive system. "

Edward also delved deeply into the historical dimensions of modernity and into his cultural and social records: the revolution "decimated" Western studies in the East and opened the door to the world. Orientalism and the Oriental imagination.

And on the Arabic translator, Hadidi said that "the Arab translator does not get sufficient rights, to some extent his right is wasted, and the translator's profession in our country is not a profession in the West to ensure a decent life.

The best-selling Arab novelist in Europe, Hadidi, talks about the novel "The Architecture of the Jacobins" by Ala Aswani, noting that she has recorded bestsellers in Europe for reasons that the West regards as related to Tahir bin Jalloul's "Thousand and One Nights" Lailat al-Qadr ", which s & rsquo; is sold to more than 1.5 million copies.

In response to a question about the importance of the poet Mahmoud Darwish in the Western world, Hadidi explained that "Darwish" surpassed the poet of the resistance and reached the world without exploiting the Palestinian cause, pointing out that the works of Mahmoud Darwish "Here we can assert that Darwish was intelligent in his choices, since the poet is free of himself, and so there is an important case that he founded," said Hadidi, referring to Mahmoud Darwish's Western reading as "He has a Darwish on the general style of the French reader, where he has a sense of happiness and openness."

The speaker recounted the translator's experience Syrian Sami Al-Darubi in the field of translation, stressing that the reason for the success and dissemination of the name "Sami Al-Darubi" among Arab readers is due to the choice of the strongest French translations; "Good and accurate selection."

Syrian critic and translator Subhi Hadidi graduated from the University of Damascus at the Department of English Language and Literature and continued his graduate studies in France and Britain

published several critical studies, research and translations in various Arab and foreign journals. And prose poem experiences, and provided extensive studies in the definition of the theory of literature and modern monetary schools.

"Schuman Foundation" is a nonprofit organization that invests in knowledge, culture and social creativity to contribute to the rise of societies in the Arab world through thought, literature, arts, art, culture, art, and art. innovation and creativity. ) {
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