Tadawul: a downward trend for foreigners last week, and 174 million rand for the Saudis


RIYADH: Foreign and Gulf investors traded on the Tadawul stock market during the week ending July 26, while the Saudis recorded a trend of buying.

Net sales of foreigners amounted to 155.32 million rials and about 18.8 million riyals Taiwanese bought a total of 906.3 million rupees last week, or 5 , 7% of total purchases, against a sale of 1.06 billion RS, or 6.7% of total transactions.

For the Gulf, the purchases of these countries amounted to 339.56 million riyals, 2.2% of the total purchases of the market during the week, and they sold 358.39 million rupees, or 2.3% of total transactions

On the Saudi investor side, last week's purchases amounted to 14.56 billion SAR, or 92.1% compared to a sale of 14.38 billion SAR, representing 91% of total sales on the market

Private investors recorded net sales of 1.92 billion SAR while institutions recorded a net purchase of 2.09 billion SAR.
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