Tamer Hosny is not the first .. Zab Tharwat and Heidi Mousi Photos of songs from their albums


Contrary to what was said on Tamer Hosny's latest album "Aish Beshougak" in the Arab world, which filmed all his songs in a video clip, there are albums of other artists who are rehearsing the album Tamer.

The report follows "home", the most prominent singers who have filmed all their songs in their albums in one way video clip.

The artist Heidi Mousa launched in 2017 his first album "Hania El Donia", which included 12 songs, all filmed in a video clip.

This year, the artist Zeb Tharwat repeats the same thing with his album The City, released on the market, including 9 songs with many stars, including Ahmed Sheiba, Tariq Sheikh, Mahmoud Al Osaily,. Tamer Hosny is not the first .. Zab Tharwat and Heidi Mousi Photos of the songs from their albums) Moved the site [Al Watan]
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