Tamer Hosny's new album "Aish Beshoukak": a new look that caught the public's attention


Tamer Hosni surprised his audience through his account on the site "Instagram", recently released the official poster of his new album "Live Bouchoukk", after unveiling the scenes of his new music video "You are Maaya "with Cheb Khaled …

Tamer appeared in the Block photo and a new hairstyle with a striking eye, which still depends on the most distinctive views in most of his work, and chose to wear a blue-colored suit coordinated with the light blue of the car of the old style on which it is based. This poster attracted more than 140,000 impressions in a few hours and the public's opinions were positive and sure to wait for the new songs to be heard.

We note that "Live with Your Love" includes 13 songs whose titles and details were revealed days ago. The surprise is that Hosni filmed 12 of them in the video clip with the cooperation of professional and new directors, and thus be one of the first Arab stars to make this unique step.

The Egyptian star has confirmed to his followers on his Facebook page "Your day is beautiful, God willing, I've asked a lot about my new album and I thought you were lacking in new ideas that fit a general audience.And my position as an Egyptian-Arab actor … "

He added: " The album was taken by an unknown person D is a big two-day limit and I'm busy every day developing it and taking it out of the usual album, I think it's a new stage in my life in terms of thinking, music and of quality. "

On another report broadcast on Sushil Media, the young artist was photographed with a young woman of Lebanese nationality and accused of betraying his wife Basma Boussil with her … These rumors came mainly after passing Basma through his account on the site "Instagram" on treason and betrayal ison a few days ago. 659007] (function () {
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