Tariq Abdul Aziz states that the idea of ​​the absolute championship does not occupy his thought forever


Cairo – Charitable Islam

The artist Tariq Abdel Aziz expresses great happiness with the great success obtained by his latest series "Rahim", which was shown during the last race of Ramadan in the canals satellites, pointing out that the reactions to The character of "Sayed" realized during the dramatic context of the series "Rahim" exceeded his expectations.

Abdul Aziz said in an exclusive statement to the site "Arabs today" that the idea of ​​the absolute championship and the hero does not work forever, but beware of the good paper, the script and the role which leaves the mark to the spectators. In any work of art, regardless of any other consideration.

The series "Rahim" with Yasser Jalal, Nour, Mohamed Riad, Tarek Abdel Aziz, Donia Abdel Aziz, Dina, Ehab Fahmy, Sabry Fawaz, Hassan Hosni, Sami Maghawari, Sahar Ramy, Mona Farouk, Islam Shawqi and Yasmin Ghaith , written by Mohamed Ismail Amin and directed by Mohamed Salama.

Al Khobar Arabs Today: Tarek Abdel Aziz states that the idea of ​​the absolute championship does not completely occupy his thought – you can see the source of the original news of the following link: The Arabs today and abandons the site of the unit is fully responsible for the news content.

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