Telegram on Sunday has announced the launch of a new update of its Android and iOS applications, bringing a number of new features that promise to cancel the mailing.
"For us, your personal data is sacred," said the company in a publication published on his blog. We never use your data to target ads. We never disclose your data to third parties. We stock only what is absolutely necessary for the proper functioning of Telegram. "In 2013, we gave millions of people control over their data using end-to-end encryption."
"Today, we are giving hundreds of millions of users total control over their private conversations," Telegram said. You can now choose to delete any message sent or received from both sides during a private chat. The messages will disappear from you and from the other person – without leaving a trace. "
Telegram launched the "cancel" feature about two years ago, but since then it has been supporting the deletion of messages sent by the sender within 48 hours. Now users can disable sending messages, with no time limit. The company said: "You can also completely remove private chats from your device and the other person's device in two clicks."
In addition to extending the "Cancel Sending" feature, Telegram has announced the launch of a new method allowing users to specify who can convert their messages. Once activated, the converted messages will not give the first name of the sender. "In this way, the people with whom you discuss will have no proof that you sent them anything."
The new Telegraph update includes enhanced functionality for looking for GIF emoticons and animations, as well as the ability to watch videos and long GIF images without waiting for the download to finish.
Telegram has announced support for accessibility features, such as VoiceOver for iOS and TalkBack for Android, to make it easier for blind users to use apps.
The latest version of the Telegram app for Android phones can be downloaded from Play store, For iPhone and iPad in a store St, And can be downloaded to personal computers from Website Telegram.
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