Television is the most important service expected at the Apple Forum in March


Citizen – Translation: Mahmoud Nabil

Apple will unveil several technologies at its March 25 forum, which could include many of the latest technologies that the US tech giant is putting on the global market.

MacMothers Worldwide, including Apple, has revealed that a number of new technologies and new products could be unveiled at the next forum. The most important of them is the new Apple TV service, which allows smartphone users, iPhone and tablets to run various videos.

The service should include more than 20 TV shows and movies as soon as the service is launched on Apple devices in the coming months.

Unlike Apple, Apple will introduce the latest version of the new iOS 12.2 operating system, which will introduce many interesting features of iPhone phones in the future, and the US company will provide ApplePay for cash and money. electronic payments.

Apple is also introducing new devices, including a battery charger, mini-ipod, iPod touch, iPod touch, and other devices that will be another step forward in the company's electronics business.

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