There are many types of headaches, including headaches, migraines, cluster headaches, and tension headaches.
Tension headaches are a health problem that many people in the world, also known as stress or fatigue headaches, can quickly treat this headache before it gets worse.
Tension headaches result in a series of symptoms ranging from mild to moderate and can last several days. We learn together the causes and symptoms of tension headaches and how to treat them.
Causes of tension headaches
According to Web Med, a medical and health specialist, tension headaches can occur as a result of:
• Contractions of the muscles of the head and neck.
• extreme stress and fatigue.
• Psychological and emotional stress.
• Eat food.
• Conduct violent and powerful activities.
• watch the screen of the computer or smart devices for a long time.
• Driving distance and long time.
• Exposure to very cold temperatures.
Dry eyes, colds, flu and sinusitis.
• Smoking and consuming caffeine excessively.
Symptoms of tension headaches
Tension headaches can cause a number of symptoms, including:
• Pressure and pressure around the forehead.
Sleep disorder.
• Feeling very tired.
• Difficulty of concentration and sensitivity to light or noise.
Muscle pain.
Some people mix tension headaches and migraines, but these are pain on one side of the head or both sides and come in the form of palpitations, as well as nausea and vomiting.
Treatment of tension headaches
It is always recommended to treat tension headaches immediately after you begin to feel pain to avoid worsening and increase the severity, by following some simple methods, including:
• Relaxation and immortality for rest.
• Take a hot bath.
• Put pieces of snow on painful spots.
• Take anti-stress medications such as anti-depressants, blood pressure and anti-inflammatories recommended by the doctor.
• Acupuncture under medical supervision.
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