The 3 best fruits relieve the symptoms of pain and arthritis!


Elaph: Although it is known that there is no cure for arthritis, the daily diet of certain types of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory foods can alleviate the symptoms of this problem and revealed to English doctors that the main types of foods useful in this regard are red raspberries, strawberries and cherry pie.

According to doctors, red raspberry contains a flavonoid compound called anthocyanins, a rich source of vitamin C, which reduces the risk of gout and limits high blood pressure and cholesterol. Animal studies have shown that red raspberry extracts can reduce the inflammation and symptoms of osteoporosis.

They also noted that strawberries are naturally low in sugar and that they may contain more vitamin C than those in oranges. The strawberry also contains anthocyanin, which has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

The bitter cherry also contains an anthocyanin compound that gives the fruit a deep red color. Studies have shown that pungent cherry can relieve joint pain in people with osteoporosis and reduce the risk of glaucoma in people with drop.

Elaph prepared the article by acting for the British Express newspaper, the original link below

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