The announcer "Israa Adel" takes the limelight and the media Amr Adib describes it as (beautiful)


Al-Shorouq presenter Esraa Adel said her presentation at the closing ceremony of the Arab-African Youth Forum, organized by the Arab Republic of Egypt in Aswan, represents an important channel in her life. career in the media.

She said she was proud to participate in this forum bringing together young people from the continent and the Arab world and added that Israel is able to succeed anywhere and anytime, in front of His Excellency President Abdel Fattah Al -Yes Yes.

According to the newspaper, many satellite channels and Egyptian newspapers were eager to interview "Isra Adel" after the spotlight at the closing ceremony and were described by the presenter of Egypt's MBC channel, the journalist Amr Adib and the festival.

Khartoum (Kush News)

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