The Bbgi Mobile game stopped for several hours to know the reasons and the moment to relaunch mobile pubg and what is the status of the infection?


Maintenance notifications came from the game Ppgi Mobile To indicate that the game is paused on August 13th and in a few hours at seven o'clock, this delay is the estimated time to stop the game. Servers can return to work before seven o'clock, but we find that this game needs 39; space. Enough storage to be busy.

Required storage space in the game Ppgi Mobile

The storage space required for the game is different because it requires up to 1.95 GB of storage for Android, while it requires 2.55 GB of storage for users. IOS.It can also be downloaded by Google Play or AP STORE.

New game features

There are several new features of the game, which can be obtained through the new download, which are: The player can get new characters, such as those characters that the Zombie character can play, and can also search the global treasure, which can A price of one million dollars, it also benefits by unlocking many skills.

Update infection mode in mobile pubg

This update is characterized by the fact that it places equal players and other unequal, and that it is possible to add zombies, cannons can have firearms and infection if they infect all the defenders, the zombies easily win, while if someone survives the defenders of the infections they will succeed.

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