The "blue whale" is a story of suicide or moral abuse?


The bodies of the 13-year-old girl found in a family home in the Al-Reem Valley in Madinah are still being held by the relevant authorities in order to complete the investigation and proceedings. the forensic report.

The Blue Whale "One of those electronic games is the history of suicide or moral violations?

"City" spotted the views of the number of recruits after the incident the victim of the girl was accused most of the game "Blue Whale" in the electronic games That cause these accidents and created

Saadoun al-Awimri:

Suicide of a 13-year-old girl because of the game "Blue Whale" in one of the villages of Medina.

In a few days we heard several painful stories

of children killed between a suicide

the child of his father, and today a girl The city and between [19659003] exploitation and harassment and all that happened

cell phones, family negligence

in the supervision of their children, your children Secretariat

Ghada Wakil :

This modern day concerns the suicide of a girl in Madinah and the reason for the blue whale's game. None of the specialists has authorized the impact of this game. Who is he playing and is he actually leading to suicide? Or the story is in the orbit of the ethical violations that children can face through technical games!

Muhammad Al-Humaidi

Suicide of a girl in Madinah and for unknown reasons, do not blame the game until the authorities

The Blue Whale game causes the suicide of A girl of 13 years in Medina

Mazna Al-Qahtani:

The suicide of a girl because of the game of blue whales in Medina.


They say the suicide of a 13-year-old girl in Madinah because of the blue whale game J is the second case in Saudi Arabia !! Reasonable at the base becomes a truth and not Altahol ??


After the suicide of a girl in Madinah Why is the game of blue whales in Saudi Arabia not blocked?

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