BEIJING (Reuters) – A trilateral Chinese alliance could hit the world's most popular instant messaging applications, including WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger, according to the media.
According to the technical specialist of the site "GSM Arena", the Chinese leader of the company "Xiaomi" has forged an alliance with its citizens, "Oppo" and "Vivo", to create a messaging platform for the phones of the three companies.
The new messaging platform can transfer and exchange files, photos and videos very easily, once the file inserted, left and sent to a user account for one of the phones of the three companies . This tripartite platform is still in the development phase of the Xiaomi, Oppo and Vivo development and software departments.
The platform will not consume the phone's battery or Internet data, and will not require any external application, but will rely solely on the Bluetooth technology of these phones and on transfer speeds of up to 20 Mbps per second.
The report noted that the application would be a blow to famous instant messaging applications such as "WhatsApp" and "Facebook Messenger".
This article "A Chinese tripartite alliance has dealt a severe blow to" WhatsApp "and" Messenger "" Adapted by BaladNews and we quote the site (Akhbar Al Youm), and does not reflect in any way the policy of the site or point of view but the responsibility lies with Health News on the source of the original news, which is today.
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