The death of Mido Jaber's father .. The player tries to return to Cairo


The father of Mido Jaber, the first player of the Al Ahli football team, died Thursday night, during which he received the news of his death during a mission in Botswana.

Al Ahly returned to Botswana on Tuesday to prepare for the next stage of the African Champions League.

For his part, Ikrami, the goalkeeper of the team, wrote on his official Twitter account: "There is no God but God to stay for God in the death of Mido Jaber's father and accept him with his forgiveness and his space.And your livelihood and your patience and the reward and stability of your family, we are God and we return to him. "

Ahli's players also wanted to console Mido Gaber after hearing of his father's death.

The player is currently trying to return to Cairo after the death of his father, as the administration seeks to provide him with plane tickets so that he can participate in the funeral of his father's body , although things seem difficult because there are no direct flights between Cairo and Botswana. (Function) (n, f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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