The death of the artist Nabil Almshini .. "Abu Awad" goodbye to heat and life leaving a technical legacy Zakhra


The death of Jordanian artist Nabil El-Mashini on Saturday marks the 80th anniversary of the Jordanian tragedy. The Jordanians knew the late artist Abu Awad in the famous series "Hara Abu Awad", which produced more than one part. For many years, from the early 1980s to the early 1990s.

Al-Mashini, the popular figure "Abu Awad", presented the series, which dealt with social issues that directly affect people's lives, in the context of a comic critic.

As the public knew, several Jordanian comedy stars, such as artist Rabie Shihab and Musa Hijazin, participated in the series.

The deceased artist was born in Jerusalem in 1939, son of the Jordanian artist Isaac al-Mashini and the brother of the artist who left at the age of a small Osama al-Mashini.

The deceased artist has participated in several works, ranging from Bedouin drama to historical drama, including "Dhahah, Ibn Ajlan" and "Ras Ghalis", and to historical series like "Almoravides and Andalusia", "Imrouz Al Qais", " Pilgrim "and" Parfum de feu ".

In the 1990s, after a decline in dramatic production in Jordan, Mashini played a remarkable dramatic piece, such as "Kraba Makhzouga" and "Ah Yadsky".

The deceased artist has participated in several series on the question of terrorism after the events of September 11, such as the series "The lawyers at the gates of hell" and "The road of Kabul", as well as on the rural life in Jordan, such as the series "Al-Sakayya".

Al-Mashini has experience in the media and was chosen by King Abdullah II, Jordanian monarch, in 2003, as a member of the Senate, Jordan's second chamber of parliament, to appreciate his cultural and artistic role and the overall of the cultural movement in the country.

The Jordanian artist, Hossein Tabishat, who was on Facebook's official Facebook page, talked about his most important works.

The Jordanian artist # Nabil_Almashini "Abu Awad" In the name of Allah and to him, we refer to the artist # Nabil_Mashini in …

Posted by حسين طبيشات العمل غافل on Saturday 2 March 2019

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