The decision of the deputy governor "technical" meets the dreams of those who expect "Bachelor of Programming"


A decision of the deputy governor of "Technique" to meet the dreams of those seeking a "Bachelor of Programming" The Deputy Governor of the General Organization for Technical and Vocational Training (PGTC) admitted that the Jazan Technical College's bachelor's degree program was not crowned in certain disciplines of the Jazan region under the pretext of incomplete standards preventing dozens of onlookers from opening the program in Jazan.

The decision of the deputy based on the minutes of the Committee on the treatment and operation of units of training modules, where he acknowledged the absence of culmination of the bachelor's degree program in the disciplines of technical support and networks.

Observers asked the Governor of the General Organization for Technical and Vocational Training to open the program in the region as one of the important programs that develop professionals, especially as they are mandatory specialties in the labor market. For "Bachelor of Programming" participated in the news on social networking sites. You can also follow all the news via Facebook and Twitter.

Source: Journal of Electronic Prediction

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