The development of a new drug can save humans from a life-threatening disease


Mohamed El Sayed / Anatolia

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – A new drug has shown promising results that could save people from the risk of life-threatening sepsis, a disease caused by severe sepsis and a life-threatening infection, according to a recent study in Ireland.

Researchers at the College of Pharmacy of the Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland have developed a new pharmaceutical compound called cilengitide and tested its effectiveness in preclinical trials in humans to treat sepsis.

Mastitis is a serious disease that causes death worldwide. It occurs when chemicals released into the bloodstream to fight inflammation cause inflammatory reactions throughout the body.

This inflammation can result in a series of changes that can damage many organic systems, resulting in the failure of these devices and increasing the risk of death.

The team conducted the study to evaluate the effectiveness of the new drug and found that it halted the progression of the disease by preventing cell damage, according to the Medical News Today website.

"Sepsis occurs when the infection enters the bloodstream and the immune system can not prevent it, resulting in the failure of many members, if the patient does not receive the appropriate treatment "said Dr. Steve Craigan, head of the research team.

"There is little opportunity to treat sepsis, which involves taking antibiotics and fluids early in the infection, but in many cases antibiotics are ineffective because of the resistance of bacteria to drugs or delay in determining the type of bacteria that caused the infection "He said.

"A treatment without antibiotics is therefore necessary to be used at all stages of infection against all causes of bacterial infection," he said.

"The new drug prevents the formation of blood clots and infections, the leading causes of organ failure and death from sepsis, and prevents bacteria from entering the bloodstream of the infected site by stabilizing vessels. so that they can not transmit bacteria to the main organs.

"The promising results of the preclinical trial of the new drug give hope for a new treatment for this disease and can be effective in the early and advanced stages of sepsis," he said.

Anyone can be infected, but it is more common and dangerous in older adults and those with weakened immune systems.

Promotes early treatment of the infection, which usually occurs with the help of antibiotics and large amounts of intravenous fluid, increasing the chances of survival.

To diagnose sepsis, at least two of the following symptoms should occur: a temperature above 38.3 ° C or lower than 36 ° C, a heart rate greater than 90 beats per minute, a respiratory rate greater than 20 breaths In the minute

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