The dialectic of thought in the Arab world … between the shovels of usury and the parameters of foresight |


Thought in the Arab world suffers from a “crisis of programs and performances” which is attracted by multiple causes, some of which point to the events of history and all, and some of them reside between the flanks and the mountains of souls, and some of them are rooted in the outcomes and deficiencies of educational programs, and many of them are rooted in the tyranny of regimes and their coercion and social traditions. the object of suspicion and miserable accusations.

The thought curve in our Arab societies unfolds in a regressive, descending effect: from the present to the past – regression and regression to the past. Source of pride, emulation and victory, but the center of our attention and the passion of our souls are often drawn to and rekindle the hotbeds of disagreement, and the fires of division and alignment feed them.

As for the current of thought of advanced societies, for which thought represents a vital element and an existential function, it applies with a prospective and progressive effect: from the present to the future – turned towards the future and drifting towards the future – for the sake of cultivating innovative ideas, designing the future with science fiction, superintelligence and continuous cognitive production, For her, the past is an accumulation of experiences that refine and refine thinking, correct and straighten the path Nevertheless, history remains linked to the necessities of the temporal. and the spatial context, and nothing accompanies it in the present except the beneficial motive, towards the elevation of reality.

Due to the quality of thought gap between the methodology of attrition and foresight, the paths of societies vary, and the gap between them is reduced, between those who regress downwards, and those who rise upwards, the first regresses while the second progresses and becomes stronger, because the first lives a past time (preoccupation with past conflicts) while the second You live in a future time (working with expectations of the future), and so the time gap between the two societies widens (civilizational time), even if they live in a (cosmic time).

The past is nothing but a warehouse in which we bring together the tools, materials, equipment and machines that we need to build on the vast new spaces a marvelous civilized architecture, taking from the warehouse this which we need the means of support and supply, without making it a refuge for eternity or a refuge for stagnation!

In this context, the Algerian thinker Malek Bennabi affirms on page 60 of his book “The point of view of the Islamic world” that there is a relation of “satisfactory connection to the past” in the post-Muwahhidun human being, which makes the movement of ideas in a state of permanent regression towards the past instead of looking to the future, where he says in this connection, “when culture tended to praise the past, it became an” archaeological culture “in which intellectual work does not advance, but rather regresses backwards, and this regressive, extravagant tendency has caused the impression of all education with a student character which does not conform to the demands of the present and the future, and so ideas have been affected by the phenomenon of attachment. as if it had become an outlet for him.

This is what prompted Malik Bennabi not to stand on the ruins of the civilizational problem, to describe it, but rather to seek its “hidden causes” beyond the veil of “apparent causes”, so he created unique ideas and sculpted new terms such as: susceptibility to colonization, intellectual efficiency, practicality, Deadly and dead ideas, fabricated and fabricated ideas, failed ideas, construction and accumulation, temporal and spatial alienation, atomic tendency, civilized potential and civilized will … etc. In the context of identifying the origin of the problem of colonialism, he says, “… as the leaders of the modern movement try to relate the reasons for their failure to colonialism, but this is not a form of reasoning. Absolutely from the internal causes of their incapacity, but rather attributing the subordination to the foreign power, because the two currents do not care to remedy their shortcomings.

Malik attributes the causes of intellectual decline in Muslim societies to more subjective than external factors. Dominant stereotypical thinking characterized by stagnation and opposition to universal norms, and the tendency to sanctify, imitate, and accumulate rather than stifle , to renew and to establish, are Traits which require a radical change of souls and a savage revolutionary blow against the assets which nourish the state of weakness.

In our intellectual analyzes of phenomena and imbalances, we often stop at the apparent and direct causes, and neglect the influence of the hidden diseases which represent the nourishing sources for reasons which in turn refer to the same results. giving up his drugs will lead to his reproduction several times in new pictures and decrees, weakening the body. It is the disease, and the cause of the disease is the virus which constitutes the disease. Eliminating disease without its disease will guarantee its return, and in this it was said: If you want to eliminate mosquitoes, dry up the swamps!

Most of the intellectual and civilizational evils which are at the origin of the state of civilized weakness of our Arab societies are due to three causes: extremism, backwardness and flattery. We can call it: the causes of civilized reaction.

  • Extremism: it is the sliding towards one of the two ends of the intention (excess or neglect) covered with a veil of wonder and fanaticism, and it is a disease which corrupts the thought.
  • Underdevelopment: It is the absence of a machine of cognitive realization that pushes the will and the mind towards the construction, advancement and realization of civilized actions, and it is a disease that corrupts the spirit.
  • As for adulation: it refers to a satisfactory psychological state which leads to the pursuit of lying and the maintenance of dishonor so that weakness becomes a necessary part of the personality, and it is a disease that corrupts behavior. (morality).

Salvation from these evils comes from the construction of three systems of civilizational construction, namely: the thought system, the reason system and the behavior system.

  • Thought: It feeds on the scientific method and mathematical logic which establishes visions and directs ideas.
  • The mind: feeds on knowledge and science, which are the basis for the development of mental perceptions and mental operations such as analysis, synthesis, deduction, induction and conclusion, which lay the foundation for ‘sound consideration of the strength and quality of thought and creative excellence.
  • Behavior: It is nourished by values ​​and positive ideas which orient souls towards change, which develop motivation towards civilized achievement.

This, in turn, produces 3 essential characteristics in the civilized building process, namely:

  • Moderation: It expresses emotional balance and intellectual moderation in processing, judgment and analysis, adherence to righteousness and correctness of decision, and it is the verse of perfection of thought, ” And likewise We have made you an intermediary nation so that you can be witnesses of the people ”(Al-Baqarah-143)
  • Scientific: It expresses cognitive strength and precision in relating phenomena to their causes and assigning rules to their causes and goals.
  • Sovereignty: It expresses the state of order of the scale of values ​​in the individual and society, the preponderance of the law over passion and the virtuous over the privileged, and the balance of the system of duties and rights with the standard of competence, justice, accountability and responsibility, and this is the verse of perfection of behavior “and prepare us from our business rationality” (Al-Kahf-10)

The construction and upgrading of these three civilizational systems within any society is only undertaken by the “educational system” through creation, preparation and support.

لّمْ مَا اسْتَطَعْتَ لَعَلَّ جِيلًا .. يُحْدِثُ العَجَبَ العُجَابَا

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