LONDON (Reuters) – Experts from the British National Museum in London have unveiled "hidden drawings" in an array of icons of Italian Leonardo da Vinci art in 1508, known as the Virgin of the Rocks. .
Paintings discovered in over 500-year-old painting, hidden drawings and sketches depicting "the angel and Christ" do not look like what it appears today.
The experts used a sophisticated imaging technique to reveal the invisible drawings of the Angel and Christ, using a zinc-based material that allowed the cache to be visualized by means of new X-rays, infrared and spectral imaging. According to a statement from the London National Gallery, a few tufts of curly angel hair in the final painting.
"For the first time, the initial drawings of Leonardo on the angel and Christ can be seen, which shows significant differences as to how they appear in the final painting," said the exhibition in a statement.
"The invisible drawing shows the two characters at a higher level of painting, while the angel looks at the Christ child, as he embraced her," the statement added.
This is not the first time that technology is used to solve the mystery of such artifacts. In 2005, infrared imagery revealed a hidden sketch of the Virgin in one of Da Vinci's paintings.
However, it is unclear why Da Vinci decided to abandon the original drawings of the painting "The Virgin of the Rock", while the British National Museum in London said in a statement that this "remains a mystery".
The analysis of the painting also revealed fingerprints, but the experts could not identify the owner, who would probably be a Da Vinci assistant during his painting.
Da Vinci is an Italian artist and inventor. His talents included architecture, anatomy and sculpture, as well as painting.
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