The empty room "VAR" raises the storm in the Real Madrid match

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He succeeded Riyal End a series of defeats in 3 consecutive games by beating 4-1 at home ValladolidIn an anarchic match, saw the abolition of two goals for the owners of the field.

Spanish domination has been announced Jesús ManzanoWho led the meeting, the abolition of two consecutive goals in favor of Valladolid, under the pretext of infiltration.

In the 14th minute, the host team scored the first goal of the net Royal Club, With the player's feet Sergey GuardiolaBut the gaming camera took a controversial photo.

When the ruler of the meeting came back to technology Decision on video "VAR" According to the live broadcast, the control room was free of referees. However, it was decided to remove the target and calculate it as an infiltration.

This decision made the judgment questionable and curious, with observers wondering how to solve it. Manzano's decision without the use of technology in such cases.

In the 18th minute, the same player scored another goal for his team, returning the referee again for undercover. And then came back to the video rule technique to confirm the verdict, but the control room did not appear this time in the live broadcast, which increased the doubt and surprised the followers.

The British newspaper said that what happened is that the director of the game has started the camera. "The wrong room".

She added, "The stadium is available on a number of VAR surveillance cameras with cameras permanently installed.It is clear that the director of the match chose the wrong room and the wrong camera inadvertently, which is why the 39, space of the room that appears on the screen of viewers ".

She pointed out that the sentence had been used "no doubt" Technology to make its decisions.


Real has managed to end a series of defeats in three consecutive games. By imposing 4-1 against his host, Valladolid, in an anarchic match, two goals were canceled for the owners of the pitch.

The Spanish referee Jesus Manzano, who was leading the meeting, announced the elimination of two consecutive goals for Valladolid, for undercover.

In the 14th minute, the host team scored the first goal in the net of the club, with Sergey Guardiola's feet, but the game camera took a controversial photo.

When the referee returned to the VAR video technique, the control room was empty of referees, according to the live broadcast. However, it was decided to remove the target and calculate it as an infiltration.

This decision made the judgment questionable and curious, with observers wondering how to solve it. Manzano's decision without the use of technology in such cases.

In the 18th minute, the same player scored another goal for his team, returning the referee again for undercover. And then came back to the video rule technique to confirm the verdict, but the control room did not appear this time in the live broadcast, which increased the doubt and surprised the followers.

The British newspaper said the director of the game had put the camera in the "wrong room".

"The stadium is available on a number of VAR surveillance cameras with cameras permanently installed.It is clear that the director of the match chose the wrong room and the wrong camera inadvertently, which is why the room was empty to l & # 39; screen. "

She pointed out that the decision "undeniably" uses technology to make decisions.

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