The execution of 33 tons of rotten food was being distributed during the Hajj season


The food and medicine teams in coordination with the Holy City Secretariat and Road Safety

During the Hajj season this year, the SFDA stepped up its role of supervision of transport vehicles In cooperation with the Road Safety Command in Mecca, and able to destroy 33 tons of food unfit for human consumption, in coordination with the Secretariat of the Holy Capital

The Plan Commission provides for the presence of Commission inspectors at checkpoints. For the region of Mecca, namely "Shmeissi and Al And the inspection of food transport vehicles.

Efforts led to the seizure of a number of vehicles for non-coverage products, storage at inadequate temperatures, lack of hygiene, signs of mold and food corruption,

A number of irregularities have been reported to the competent authorities to institute proceedings against offenders for misappropriation, commercial fraud and the presence of products with false medical and dietary claims

The Commission's involvement in road safety At the entry points to Mecca [19659008] Execution of 33 tons of rotten food on the way to distribution during the Hajj season “/>

Execution of 33 tons of rotten food that was en route for distribution during Hajj

During the Hajj season this year, the SFDA stepped up its role of monitoring food transportation vehicles, in cooperation with the Makkah Road Safety Command, and was able to destroy 33 tons of materials The food is unfit for human use, in coordination with the Secretariat of the Holy Capital.

The Commission's plan provides for the presence of Hashemite inspectors.

Efforts resulted in the seizure of a number of cars that were not in compliance with the products, and stored at non-temperature temperatures.

A number of irregularities were reported to the appropriate authorities to prosecute offenders for misappropriation, commercial fraud and the presence of food and medical products. T-Products

The Commission's involvement in road safety at the Makkah entry points is considered his first participation as part of his plan to control the Hajj season this year

July 19, 2018 – 6 Dhul Qa 'da 1439

The Food and Drug Authority, in coordination with the Secretariat of the Holy Capital and Road Safety

stepped up the role of the Authority of food and medicine during the Hajj season for this year. The destruction of 33 tonnes of food unfit for human use, in coordination with the Secretariat of the Holy Capital 9004] The Commission's plan provides for the presence of Commission inspectors at checkpoints, as well as road safety personnel from the three sites leading to the Makkah area, "Al-Shamaisi, Jammum and Bahra" and transport vehicles.

A number of irregularities were referred to the appropriate authorities to take legal action against the offenders. Due to Su Transport, commercial fraud and the existence of products bearing false medical and food claims.

The Commission's involvement in road safety at Makkah entry points is the first participation in its plan to control the Hajj season this year

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