About 75% of snorers suffer from sleep apnea, a blockage of the airways during sleep and a few seconds of breathing, which causes the body to wake up when waking up. This can happen several times during the night, which is very embarrassing because the person wakes up in the morning with a headache due to intermittent sleep. This condition also causes heart problems and can lead to death in some acute cases.
"Snoring" usually occurs when throat tissue relaxes during sleep and oscillations occur during sleep. "Snoring" also occurs when mucosal secretions accumulate accompanied by inflammation of the mucous membrane, which obstructs the airways and causes noises during sleep.
Many use drugs and pharmaceuticals to treat or stop snoring, but doctors and experts advise caution because most of these tools are marketed without any scientific basis.
According to the Daily Health Post, it is possible to prepare natural juice at home, which can stop "snoring" and improve breathing during sleep.
The juice consists of a quarter of fresh lemon, a piece of ginger, two apples and two carrots.
The ingredients can be peeled and sliced, mixed, and the juice is taken before bedtime for a few hours. A little honey can be added to the mixture for a better taste.
Lemon has the ability to get rid of mucous secretions and gives the sinuses an opportunity to dry.
Ginger is an antibiotic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic, capable of purifying the airways and throat mucous discharge during colds.
The apple contains citric acid capable of suppressing all types of congestion. The singers therefore want to eat apples every day to eliminate secretions and congestions in the throat to ensure a pure sound.
The islands are rich in vitamin A, which keeps the skin and mucous membranes lining the nose and sinuses. In combination with vitamins C and E, it can prevent lung cancer and prevent respiratory infections.
People with allergies in general should be careful because they usually stimulate mucous secretions in the respiratory and intestinal tracts. Eating foods that increase inflammation can increase "snoring".
Those who suffer from "snoring" should also avoid smoking, dairy products, muscle relaxants and alcohol, as they all aggravate the situation.
This article "Quick juice avoids" snoring "and sleep disorders … you will not believe it's effective!" (Lebanon 24), and in no way reflects the site's policy or point of view, and that the responsibility rests on the actuality or authenticity of the source of news of the day. Origin, Lebanon 24.
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