The fortune of Jeff Bezos exceeds 150 billion dollars


The fortune of Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, the US e-commerce giant, exceeded $ 150 billion.

In a report published by the Anatolia News Agency, Forbes magazine today reports that Bezos' wealth, Rose of $ 1.2 billion at 17:00 GMT to more than $ 150 billion .

Bezos elevated his position to the richest man in the world and raised the difference with his closest rival, Bill Gates, the owner of Microsoft Corp. with a fortune of 93.7 billion dollars.

As the wealth of Bezos increased, the stock value of "Amazon" on the New York Stock Exchange, by

On the day of the list, the value of "Amazen" rose to 888 billion dollars, ranking second in the list of the largest companies in the United States, after the company "Apple"

Buffett donates his fortune

The billionaire Warren Buffett donated $ 3.4 billion from Berkshire Hathaway to five charities, the largest contribution of a man

The thirteenth annual donation, according to Reuters, "about 17.7 million shares in the category

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation received the largest portion of the donation, while the rest received the Buffett Foundation, named after his late wife Susan and other charities who run it. 2006, Buffett provided more than $ 30.9 billion in charitable donations, $ 24.5 billion to the Bill andAddelinda Gates Foundation, and his largest annual donation of $ 3.17 billion was made in 2017. [19659002] According to Forbes magazine, Buffett will become the last gift to the fourth man on richer in the world with a fortune of 79 2. Billion $

[Nouvel Arabe]

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