During the event where it announced the Galaxy Note 10 series last week, Samsung has put forward a new streaming feature called PlayGalaxy Link. The South Korean company promised that this feature would allow you to play your favorite game on your phone rather than on your computer. She also promised to launch this feature in early September.
Samsung is associated with Paresc, a game startup that works with game streaming applications with multiple apps on the Google Play Store, which could mean that PlayGalaxy Link is an already available service that has been renamed to Samsung and its flagship smartphone. New
However, the PlayGalaxy Link app will be available from next month and we'll see why it makes all this noise. In the meantime, here is a short promotional video from Samsung showing us the PlayGalaxy Link app in action:
Dear visitor, I read the news of the technological news on Thursday, August 15, 2013: the games broadcast applications for the Galaxy Note 10 phone will arrive in early September to Hadramout Net | Yemen News has been published from the website and the health responsibility of the new or not on their shoulders and you can see the source of the original news from the following link
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