Samsung has launched a new update for the Galaxy S10 series, including the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10 + and Galaxy S10e, which upgrades the operating system architecture of these phones to the G97 * FXXS3ASH1 and brings security patches for the month of August.
The size of this new update is 100 MB. This means that it is not a very big update. So do not expect to receive new features, with the exception of the August security patches mentioned above. Apparently, this update is currently being launched in about twenty countries, including Romania, Germany, Greece, Switzerland, Ireland, Poland, Spain, the United States, the United States, and the United States. Austria, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, France, Bulgaria, the United Kingdom and Northern Europe. Of course, this update will make its way around the world in the coming days and weeks, so do not worry.
Generally, this update may take some time to arrive on your phone, but in case you can not wait and wait for this update in the near future, you can check the availability of this update for your device manually by going to "Settings". Then go to "About Device" and then to "System Updates".
Dear visitor, I read the news of the technology on Thursday 15/8/2019: the series of phones Galaxy S10 Series begins to receive a new update in many parts of the world on the site Hadramout Net | Yemen News has been published from the website and bears the responsibility for health information on their shoulders and you can see the source of the original news from the following link.
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