The grip of the heat will not subside … Gulf on a date with 3 flips of air


The Arab world is witnessing an unprecedented extreme heat wave this summer. Local and global weather centers have predicted this year as one of the hottest years in decades.

In time in many parts of the world, especially in the Middle East and Southeast Asia, where there was an unprecedented increase in temperature and also an increase in relative humidity.

The astronomer Khalid Al-Za'aq, That the Gulf region is going through these days the Gemini season and prolonged 26 days "Ten days ago, and the second is the pigment of color, which is the pigment of the dates in red or yellow, that we live today, and the last ten days later, "During these three waves, the Gulf states are arguing the hottest of the world, the region between Iraq and Kuwait and eastern and central Saudi Arabia. Temperatures exceed 50 degrees Celsius in the shade and vary depending on the surfaces. "

Receiving the sun, black as The asphalt "The heat grip will not rest on the air before 45 days, and will coincide with the entry of the Suhail star, which corresponds to the". entrance with the break of Arafa, that is to say before the day Eid al-Adha and when it cools the night To enter Suhail cooled late at night). "

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