The guitarist Wahid Mamdouh recreates the legendary Nightingale legend in Jeddah


Al-Wasat newspaper reports the story of guitarist Wahid Mamdouh recreating the legend of the Nightingale in Jeddah

Al Wasat – a song of the famous guitarist Wahid Mamdouh for the late Nightingale Asmar The spirit of Abdel Halim Hafez returns to a large audience in the city of Jeddah to participate in a single guitar song of this song, presented in the 60s by Abdulrahman Al-Abnoudi and composed by Baligh Hamdi and distributed by Ali Ismail, Wahid Mamdouh makes a new musical vision. Dar Al-Hekma University in Jeddah The Arab Music Card, led by Maestro Mostafa Hilmi, in the presence of Hazem Ramadan, Egyptian Ambassador to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Magdy Saber, President of the Egyptian Opera, and Cihan Morsi, head of the central administration of Arab music and many Arab and foreign consuls

And audience of the city of Abha, who held yesterday with the participation Maestro Hamada Al-Moji and his group, in addition to the ceremony yesterday in Jeddah, which The public has proved that Wahid was able to make them feel like Nightingale as he was with them in the theater .He also changed their vision of the guitarist in one way to prepare the music.

Wahid noted that he was happy to be with the public in Jeddah. And the Arabic music group led by Maestro Mustafa Hilmi has encouraged strong and strong reactions from the public to prepare the best at the Okaz market concerts in Taif on July 8 and 9, for which Egypt is the guest of honor for the first time. The Crown this year, she is also the first in which the only participation.

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Source: Sadi Country

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