The House of Representatives agrees to give confidence to the Madbouli government


The House of Representatives, chaired by Mr. Ali Abdel-Aal, approved the work program of the Government (2018 / 2019-2021 / 2022) and gave it confidence as to its composition and the program presented to the Council during of its meeting of July 3, 2018.

Dr. Mustapha Medbouli participated in the plenary session, where he affirmed the commitment to all the remarks made by the deputies on the program. Medbouli, Prime Minister, Bushra Sarah of the Egyptians, in which he said: the next period is Stashe
Prime Minister announced the seriousness and commitment to implement his program, emphasizing that the program stems from the vision of integrated development and was translated into
Dr. Mustafa Madbouli pointed out that the government's program follows atypical methods of problem solving.
He said: We have overcome the stage of painkillers and are trying to solve with clear plans, going faster than population growth rates. Increase in inflation.
Prime Minister, T. A committee of some departments represents each department as deputy minister. The committee is formed by working groups to monitor the implementation of the government program.
The Prime Minister, Dr. Mustapha Medbouli, confirmed that the Ministry of Finance
Regarding agriculture, he pointed out that there was a tendency to increase agricultural exports to 26%, to achieve a profitable price, to provide inputs for agricultural and livestock production, and to provide loans through the Agricultural Bank of Egypt.
He thanks the Committee On the request for tax increase, which reduces the burden on the state budget, declares its compatibility with the remarks of the deputies on the settlement of fiscal problems.
The Special Committee on the Response to the Government Program says in its final report: "The Special Committee wishes to reconcile and repay the government" The President of the House of Deputies, Ali Abdel-Aal, approved the approval of the Council to give confidence to the government of Mustafa Medbouli. By the required majority after the approval of its program to the Council.
And congratulated Abdel-Aal, the government give them the confidence attributed to their trust and support and the program included targets and messages.
"I am very pleased to extend my sincere congratulations to all members of the Government for this precious confidence and to assure that the Council has given confidence to the government led by Mustafa Madbouli, trusting him in his ability to implement the program and program objectives.The establishment of the state at a brighter stage, fruit harvesting. "

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