The HUAWEI Mate 20 Pro keeps the top of its category indisputable


Tomorrow– The HUAWEI Mate 20 Pro has been at the center of smartphone passions since its launch on the global market, a position it retains today, especially after winning the Smartphone Award at the World Mobile Congress 2019 in Barcelona. Which is provided by more than 2400 leading companies in the world.

The conference also includes a program of events with a number of dignitaries and senior officials to explore and discuss the most important topics affecting the sector. The prize was awarded by the World Mobile Telecommunications Association (GSMA), which represents the interests of mobile operators worldwide by bringing together some 750 mobile operators and more than 350 mobile broadband companies; The world's number one mobile communications conference demonstrates the quality of Huawei's advanced technology and commitment to providing the best products and exceptional experiences to consumers around the world.

After winning the award, the HUAWEI Mate 20 Pro is clearly an outstanding place in the hearts and minds of mobile phone users and enthusiasts, a position that will not be easily abandoned, especially given its outstanding performance and performance. The longevity of its battery, Modern and stylish The phone is also unique in wireless reverse charging, which has revolutionized the charging of the battery of smart phones since the launch of the phone in October 2018.

The most important feature of this smartphone is its adoption of the most powerful and advanced camera systems on the market, equipped with a triple Leica camera to deliver breathtaking images that enhance the imaging experience using a smartphone . The rear camera range of the camera includes a 40-megapixel camera, a 20-megapixel camera with a wide-angle lens and an 8-megapixel camera. Ultra-wide-angle lens technology lets you capture stunning images of large areas and photograph landscapes and large entities in a vertical or horizontal image.

Whether it's taking a photo of the world's tallest building or a landscape on the horizon, the ultra-wide-angle lens makes it possible to do the entire scene a perfect photo, close to professional photography. The same is true for indoor and closed photographs, where users can take great pictures in the hallway, elevator or living room in the best quality and sharpness, so that narrow, more aesthetically pleasing spaces are created.

Have you ever seen a brightly colored beetle and imagined its appearance if you examined it more closely? All users can do this with the HUAWEI Mate 20 Pro Microphone Camera, which provides high-definition images of close-up objects at a distance of no more than 2.5 cm from the lens. This feature can be used to photograph insects, plant leaves or microorganisms difficult to distinguish from the human eye, allowing users to experience a whole new photographic experience.

In addition, the front camera has 24 megapixels, which means that the quality of silvi images will not be less fantastic than nature, with real and natural details and colors. Through image recognition assisted by artificial intelligence techniques, the HUAWEI Mate 20 Pro can identify the objects that the user is trying to capture, in order to improve the colors accordingly, which allows to obtain a perfect and magnificent image. The camera can also identify more than 1500 imaging scenarios in 25 categories.

The HUAWEI Mate 20 Pro camera system retains today its position as the most powerful and advanced camera system on the market, thanks to its potential superior to that of the competition.

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