The implementation of the recommendations of the colleges of education 388 applications .. Otalh will not forget the story!


Citizen – Abdulrahman Diab

Women graduated from faculties of education with an urgent intervention to employ them so as not to lose their lives after learning for years, but the result for them was marginalization and the neglect of their rights. "We have been engaged by those who are less than us (the institutes, the college) and we are higher than them."

She called, "O Lord, make fun of us who bring our suffering to the Servant of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz."

Abu Mohsen recounted his experiences by saying, "Study: 4-year Bachelor's degree in Education." College: Affiliated with the Ministry of Education.The College has agreed that a high percentage of Students having successfully applied the field effectively and competently The test of the support measure was adopted: The recommendation of the Shura Council more than a year. "

Ihsan writes "We want our most basic educational rights." Umm Nouf was surprised: "Ajyal is dead, generations have come, generations have been hired, generations have been retired, the world has changed, but our daughters, graduates faculties of education, have suffered for many years. "

As for Suad, she said:" The recommendation of the faculties of education was published a year and four months ago, and we are always

Fawaz al-Shammari said: "The dip College of Education graduates need a break from all media or any influential person in the country to support them and communicate their voice and not to marginalize them.
