The increase of triglyceride levels in the blood is a sanitary disaster


Many people suffer from the problem of high triglyceride levels and the risk that this increase constitutes a significant disadvantage to the public health of the wounded, quickly translates into high blood pressure, increases to a high degree, due to the accumulation of these fats on the walls of the veins and arteries and loses flexibility and hardens, then inflate the muscles Try to pump blood throughout the body.
And increases the risk of stroke, heart disease and stroke in the person with high lipid levels, as a result of a continuous increase in pressure.
Heart problems begin to appear gradually if the patient does not notice it because the risk does not feel any symptoms of high blood pressure. The patient does not complain and the heart continues to work hard without complaining or feeling, until the appearance of serious complications.
High blood pressure is caused by many causes, including obesity and smoking, in addition to the contemporary lifestyle, become very little active, and that changes the day-to-day night into an important segment of young, where they eat effortlessly at night, then accumulate sugars The blood in the form of triglycerides that make the blood heavy in motion makes the heart more laborious.
We discuss the problem of high levels of triglycerides in the blood, how to treat them to get rid of this bad state, and examine the factors and causes of the problem, as well as the symptoms that may appear, as well as the different methods of prevention and control. possible and modern treatment.

The height is unprecedented

Many people are surprised by a sharp increase in blood pressure, through conventional and periodic pressure measurements, where the device is recording unprecedented pressures, which is shocking to some, they are not patients stressed and do not suffer from any other health problem.
The patient starts with high pressure in the follow-up of a specialist internist, who advises him to perform the necessary tests, including an ultrasound of the heart and cardiogram, then the same rays on the abdomen and the 39, analysis of whole blood, and then to analyze the renal and hepatic function.
This scary image shows the causes of high blood pressure after the results: there is a significant increase in triglycerides, which causes the heart to pump blood to the ends of the body.
Cardiac muscle may be relatively or significantly damaged, depending on how long the heart continues to function in this way, as the heart muscle is enlarged to compensate for the excessive effort involved in the task of heavy blood to the body.

Definition and storage

Triglycerides are fats stored in the body and transported in the cells of the underlying cells, originally composed of 3 molecules of fatty acids bound to a glycerol molecule.
The blood contains a normal proportion of triglycerides, which may be necessary to protect the heart from certain problems and diseases, but if this increase is a risk, it will settle on the walls of the arteries and veins of the interior and will lose the flexibility of the habit and will cause stiffness, increasing the blood pressure to meet the required flow. .
The heart is affected by this pressure and becomes prey to health problems. The more fat the problem becomes, the higher the pressure, the more blood clotting, kidney failure, heart attacks and strokes, which also affects the nervous system. .
Digestion involves treating fatty foods at the end of digestion, where they can be stored, or the body converts extra calories from proteins, carbohydrates or fats into triglycerides in the form of bloody bales, called in case they need to produce energy. , Because of poor food consumption.
The doctor asks the patient to perform the triglyceride test, measuring the triglyceride level in the blood, after a fasting patient alert for at least 12 hours and up to 14 hours.

Takeaway and laziness

High levels of triglycerides, including unhealthy, high fat and high fat foods, as well as light, fast, and prepared meals, are high in fat, which accumulates constantly in the blood, as well as high blood sugar. 39; obesity.
Studies warn against these harmful meals, many of which have little nutritional benefit, but are loaded with a huge amount of fat detrimental to public health: they give a feeling of fullness and pleasure. magnitude, narrowing the arteries and veins to a dangerous level and causing worrying stress.
Lack of movement, laziness, sleep and lethargy are factors that lead to increased levels of triglycerides in the blood. These habits have spread very recently. Many young people, young people and women are sitting behind social media, satellite television and the telephone. This long period is due to the sitting position in the non-burning fat and accumulates in the blood in large quantities, then settles on the walls of the blood vessels over time, and the pressure increases gradually and continuously up to reach a high degree of danger.

Diabetes and heredity

Sweets and foods containing sugars contribute to the formation of fats in the blood. These sugars turn into a reserve of blood when necessary, which increases the pressure of the body.
Smoking is one of the factors that stimulate the state of fat accumulation in the blood vessels, but also a high percentage in the blood, the effects of smoking and have a negative effect on overall health.
Diabetes can lead to high levels of lipids in the blood, due to an increase in the level of glucose in the blood, which turns into fat to store and call when needed, resulting in the density of these fats in the blood. blood, and therefore high pressure to pump blood containing fat.
Some people attribute to genetic factors the constant and frequent increase in the number of triglycerides in the blood. This problem has been diagnosed in children in a parent.

Boiled and fish

Several methods, steps and procedures can be used to reduce high blood pressure resulting from increased fat levels. The first of these steps is to avoid taking salts immediately, whether in foods or beverages, to avoid further hypertension.
The patient tends to consume more water in order to reduce the pressure, expel a fraction of the fat and refrain completely from eating red meat, fats, oils and oils. fried foods.
High-fat foods must eat boiled and grilled foods, fish too, because they contain omega-3s, lean poultry and vegetable proteins, such as soy, chickpeas, beans, legumes, garlic and onions.

Vegetables and Ginger

Change diets and eat vegetables and fruits, including carrots or fruit juice, as well as cucumber and lettuce, and use vegetable soup as your main meal.
Consuming hot drinks that activate blood circulation, such as ginger and anise, and the proliferation of red tea in foods, they contain compounds similar to those found in high blood pressure medications.
Caffeinated beverages, such as coffee and tea, should be avoided in the presence of high stress and triglycerides, as they increase the tension and constriction of the blood vessels.

Sport is essential

Exercise is a good way to get rid of triglycerides and low blood pressure: it helps greatly in blood circulation, dilates blood vessels and burns excess blood, but results after 3 months of blood pressure. # 39; exercise.
The sport includes a brisk walk for 30 minutes. It is repeated two or three days during the week and can be divided for 10 minutes three times a day, taking a break and using deep exercises.
You can also do light exercise during the same period, practice calf, swim and climb stairs, and exercises for the air, and for women, the cleanliness of the house and exercise exercises. kitchen they work vigorously and vigorously. In addition to the previous steps, the patient is obliged to take the medications prescribed by the specialist doctor, in order to quickly get rid of these catastrophic fats and avoid the increase in lethal pressure.

the style of life

A recent study suggests that high levels of triglycerides may be a cause of metabolic syndrome. People with some of the following problems, such as hypertension, cholesterol and triglycerides, as well as a high blood sugar and increase fat in the waist, often have the problem of metabolic syndrome.
The researchers explain why they are the result of bad habits and unhealthy lifestyles: this syndrome increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, leads to type 2 diabetes and increases the risk of liver damage, and even increases the risk that certain cancer cells stimulate activity and reproduction.
The study recommends changing the lifestyle to prevent the increase of triglycerides, avoid strokes, heart attacks and atherosclerosis.
Lifestyle change involves respecting normal hours of sleep, physical and sports activities and healthy eating.

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