The infection in children leads them to crime in adulthood!


A new study suggests that children who fight against certain infections are more likely to commit violent crime later in life.

The study, conducted on more than 2.2 million people, found that children who develop central nervous system infections during their first year of life have 20% more risk of being convicted. at puberty.

Central nervous system infection includes meningitis, encephalitis and herpes virus that can cause cold sores and activate the immune system, resulting in inflammation as a first line of defense against bacterial invasion or viruses.

Swedish researchers believe that this inflammation affects the development of brain regions responsible for regulating aggression and violence.

The research was conducted by the Karolinska Institute of Stockholm, led by Asa Bloemstrom, Department of Clinical Neuroscience.

The extent to which violent behavior is related to genetics or the environment, or the combination of both, is a long controversy.

However, no previous study has examined whether brain infections in children were associated with violent criminal acts at puberty.


Source: Daily mail

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