The Jeddah Founding Hospital Issues 22,000 Electronic Prescriptions a Month


As part of the modern advanced technology optimization

The King Abdulaziz Hospital of Jeddah began using the electronic prescription as part of the optimization of advanced technologies

It is to increase the level of safety and security in the disbursement and handling of drugs, to reach the highest efficiency levels and reduce the percentage of errors in the disbursement of drugs.

Configuration to apply description (19659004) This prescription was applied in three stages, the first of which was applied to hypnotists departments of inpatients, the second phase included the application of electronic prescribing in outpatient clinics the third and last was applied to the emergency. ] The average number of electronic prescriptions per month since the start of work was greater than (22,000) thousands of electronic prescriptions, the rate of (63030) in ambulatory services and 7,380 internal electronic prescriptions, and emergencies rose to (8,600). Jeddah's founding hospital issues 22,000 monthly electronic prescriptions

In order to increase the level of safety and security in the disbursement and treatment of drugs and achieve the highest levels of efficiency as well as reduce the proportion of errors in the disbursement of drugs.

The hospital department, has been prepared for the application of the electronic recipe. The first was applied to hospitalization services of hypnotics, the second phase included the application of electronic prescription in outpatient clinics, the third and last were applied to the emergency department.

The average number of prescriptions per month since the beginning of work was more than (22,000) thousands of electronic prescriptions, the rate of (30,3030) in outpatient services and (7,380) electronic prescription in internal services, and in emergencies of 8,600.

As part of the optimization of the use of modern advanced technologies

King Abdul Aziz Hospital in Jeddah, using electronic medical prescription, as part of working to optimize the # Use of technologies For modern development in the field of specialized medical services, including pharmaceutical services.

The hospital administration is in the process of preparing the application of the electronic prescription.

This prescription was applied in three stages, The first was applied to the hospitalization services of hypnotics, while the second phase included the application of electronic prescription in outpatient consultations, and the third and last was applied to the emergency department.

The average number of electronic prescriptions per month since the start of work was greater than (22,000) thousands of electronic prescriptions, the rate of (30,3030) in ambulatory services and 7,380 internal electronic prescriptions, and emergencies rose to (8,600). window.fbAsyncInit = function () {
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