The League of Nations launches a study on child labor in the Arab region … Masrawy


5:37 p.m.

Monday, March 04, 2019

Iman Mahmoud wrote:

Under the leadership of the Secretary-General of the League of Arab States (LAS) Ahmed Aboul Gheit, the regional study "Child Labor in the Arab States", prepared by the General Secretariat of the League of Arab States, has been launched. in collaboration with the Arab Labor Organization, the Arab Council for Children and Development, United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, Thursday at 11 am, at the headquarters of the General Secretariat of the League of Arab States in Cairo .

HE Dr. Haifa Abu Ghazaleh, Deputy Secretary General of the Social Affairs Sector of the League of Arab States, Prince Abdul Aziz bin Talal Bin Abdulaziz and Ghada Wali, Minister of Social Solidarity of the Arab Republic of Egypt and Chief of the Executive Bureau of the Council of Arab Ministers of Social Affairs. The Arab Labor Organization, Frank Hagman, Deputy Regional Director for the Arab States of the International Labor Organization, Hassan Al-Baylawi, Secretary-General of the Arab Council for Children and Development, Mr. Abdel Salam Ould Ahmed, Regional Office for the Near East and North Africa of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), as well as the participation of Permanent Ambassadors to the United Nations League of Arab States, representatives of foreign missions, regional and international organizations and civil society organizations working for the protection and promotion of Arab children, media personalities, experts and academics interested in issues related to rights of the child.

The event will include a presentation of the objectives and results of the regional study "Child Labor in the Arab Countries", a documentary film about the problem and honoring a number of Arabic symbols playing an active role in the field of childhood and the fight against child labor in the Arab countries.

This study was adopted as an orientation document to support Member States' efforts to eliminate this phenomenon at the Arab Economic and Social Summit in Beirut in January 2019 and its adoption by the Council of Arab Ministers of Social Affairs. at its 38th session in December 2018. In Sharm el-Sheikh, in accordance with the recommendations of the Arab Children's Committee during its sessions of 2016 and 2018, which provided for the preparation of a qualitative and qualitative study. to monitor the situation of child labor in Arab countries.

The importance of this regional study, which has been co-authored by five Arab and international organizations, is an awareness of the seriousness of this issue in light of the ongoing changes and developments in the Arab region and the increase in the direct and indirect use of children as the worst forms of child labor in the labor sector. (Including trafficking and their use in hazardous work) and exacerbated in countries suffering from occupation, terrorism and armed conflict due to conditions of instability, refugee situations and population displacement observed by these States , which created new problems in the Arab region, including: Children during armed conflict.

The second chapter presents a brief definition of child labor in accordance with Arab and international standards and highlights the impact of national legal provisions on the definition of child labor and the child labor process. The third chapter analyzes the main trends and characteristics of child labor in the Arab region. Chapter IV discusses the phenomenon of child labor by sector of activity, chapter 5 analyzes the impact of armed conflict on child labor, chapter VI, policy analysis and proposes recommendations to address the problem of child labor. child labor in the region.

The study aimed to paint a picture of the magnitude of the phenomenon of child labor and its evolution in the Arab region, where the main features of child labor phenomenon, the extent of the phenomenon in the main sectors of production, the negative effects of armed conflicts, as shown by a number of Arab countries and their reflection on the phenomenon of child labor According to a methodology based on statistical data and the national study according to the latest data available for this purpose. Member States, and Arab and international legislation and conventions on child labor in the Arab region.

The study pointed out that the Arab region faced common social and economic problems affecting the attitudes and characteristics of child labor, such as the general economic slowdown, incomplete demographic changes, youth unemployment. and poor performance of education. With regard to child labor, it also faces similar problems, for example: improving the inspection capacity at the workplace, continuing studies and research, creating a database on child labor, child labor, the elimination of the worst forms of child labor, including the trafficking of children, and the identification and treatment of "hidden" child labor, such as unpaid domestic and domestic work, as well as child labor in agriculture, which are often unpaid, especially on family farms.

The study is an essential step in encouraging Member States to take an active role in preventing the aggravation of this scourge through the application of legal and legislative frameworks and in promoting social protection and poverty reduction policies. This requires intensifying the collection of data on the phenomenon, which constitutes a violation of the rights of the child guaranteed by the International Convention and its Protocols, by taking immediate and effective measures to eliminate child labor and all the negative phenomena that result and to ensure the prohibition and elimination of the worst forms of child labor, Use them as human shields and ensure that child labor indicators are included in indicators and indicators. implementation mechanisms of the 2030 Sustainable Development Program.

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