The male hormone & # 39; high level can kill men!


NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – High levels of testosterone can be very dangerous for men and cause death, the researchers warned.

The researchers found that the natural abundance of the hormone in humans is linked to blood clots, heart failure and heart attacks.

The researchers warned that the results have effects on men who take testosterone supplements to increase their energy level and their sexual motivation.

However, they could not prove whether this hormone directly caused heart disease and called for additional tests.

Researchers from the University of New York and the University of Hong Kong conducted this study published in the British Medical Journal.

The study analyzed 400,000 men and women aged 40 to 75 from previous studies and the Biobank database in Britain.

The team, led by Professor Mary Schuling, conducted an evaluation of the genes predicting testosterone levels and their association with heart problems.

The researchers found that high testosterone levels in men are clearly linked to an increased risk of blood clots, heart failure and heart attacks.

The team says more evidence is needed to determine whether the results are related to higher levels of this hormone in men than in women.

They also suggest that it might be helpful to determine if current treatments that reduce testosterone can help protect against these deadly diseases.

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