"The man thinks of sex every 7 seconds" … and other lies


The myths about medicine and misinformation will not end, and many people tend to believe it, heard by parents, family members or teachers, or viewed from a website..

Science has refuted these unfounded myths and legends, which are still firmly rooted in the minds of some.

The following is a 15-year superstition on health, according to Mind Body Green:

1. The man thinks about sex every 7 seconds
We sometimes wonder who can believe such an exaggerated statement. No man can live normally if he continues to think of sex every seven seconds. We can agree that men think of it more than women, but not so much.

2 – take painkillers only when the pain becomes unlikely
No one should wait until his condition worsens and he must take painkillers whenever he feels pain. In the case of patients with chronic problems, they are supposed to take their medication even before the onset of pain.

3. The higher your weight, the slower your food representation
We all think that obese people have a low or slow food representation rate, but this concept is scientifically wrong. In fact, metabolism is faster in obese people than in those who are thin.

4. Reading in the darkness night to vision
The site stated that it was necessary to read with proper lighting because this is more comfortable, but that does not mean that reading in a dim light is harmful to the view. A weak light can make focusing more difficult and the same thing can happen under intense lighting. But it does not hurt the eyes anyway.

5. Your computer light hurts your eyes
Our mothers have always asked us not to work long in front of computer screens, because it hurts the eyes and health in general. Computer screens emit very weak rays that can not hurt our eyes at all. There is no link between the radiation of the computer screen and the visually impaired.

6. Shampoo and conditioner can remove damaged limbs
The site has confirmed that shampoo and conditioner, no matter what the expensive and famous product, can treat damaged hair extensions and that the best you can do with these products is to make your hair more silky, shinier and maybe even softer. Scissors are the only magic way to get rid of the tips of your hair.

7 You should choose fresh products because they are healthier than frozen products
It is natural that some people think that fresh produce is healthier than frozen products, but studies have shown the opposite. In fact, the nutritional value of frozen fruits, vegetables and even meat products is not less than that of fresh produce..

8. Vitamins prevent colds and flu
Many people have declared themselves to be health experts and advise people with colds or flu to take vitamin C. Pharmacies are full of vitamin C and other vitamins. Vitamin C strengthens our immune system, but it can not prevent or treat the symptoms of the flu or cold.

9. Antibiotics can treat colds
The site said that this myth is naive for those who have an idea of ​​the scientific logic, where the common cold is transmitted by a viral infection, while antibiotics act against bacterial infections, which is why these drugs fail to treat the cold..

If a person swallows a toxic substance, it is advisable to throw up
Although it is common to vomit after food poisoning, it is common that the poison is swallowed and that it does not require to vomit. This stage can disrupt its state because the nature of the toxins is often acidic or alkaline, which can damage the throat area and damage it more than the stomach containing digestive juices that neutralize the effects of the poison..

11. Licking your wounds does not hurt you
When we lick a wound or scratch, we transfer all germs and bacteria from the mouth and saliva to the damaged tissue, which is unhealthy..

12. If your mucus is green, you have a viral infection
The protein content of the blood greatly affects the color of the mucus. If you notice the next time that a green color appears in the mucus, do not be afraid because the color of your mucus has nothing to do with the presence of a viral infection .

13. You feel intense pain during a heart attack
Most heart attacks occur without any symptoms, which makes them more deadly. Most people who have had a heart attack reported mild and bothersome pain, closer to toothache or mild stomach burns. Other symptoms of a heart attack are the appearance of pain in the upper left arm or the imminent feeling of death or anxiety..

14 Coffee reduces bone mass in children
Savvy parents use this myth to prevent their children from drinking coffee, but there is no scientific proof that coffee has a negative effect on density or bone mass. However, children should consume healthy beverages rather than proper coffee when the person is older..

15. Organic foods are more nutritious and do not contain pesticides
The idea that organic foods are healthy and without insects is more nutritious than misconceptions. In fact, organic food producers also use organic pesticides, which are sometimes more harmful to the environment than conventional pesticides..

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