The Minister of Education approves the disbursement of more than 6 million riyals for the rehabilitation and rehabilitation of 5 schools in Jizan


The approval of the Minister of Education, Ahmed bin Mohammed al-Issa, approved the payment of 6,400,000 riyals for the rehabilitation, rehabilitation and completion of disabilities of five schools housing development of King Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz in the provinces of Samta and Jazan. Asiri bin Ahmad Al-Ahoos, general of education in the Jazan region, said the beneficiary schools of the project included two schools in King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz Development's housing in Kharash in Samtah province, after have been arrested several years ago. Schools in Iskan Al – Hasam In the province of Almsarhh, explaining that the capacity of these schools of 3,700 students, in advance through His Excellency the Minister of Education.

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Source: Harmony