01 Social shyness and people’s gaze
02 Exorbitant treatment cost.
03 The terms personal development, quality of life and mental health overlap.
04 Adopt foreign terms and references to define mental health problems.
05 Lack of knowledge of the concept of mental health problems and how to treat them.
06 Does not include care in the health insurance umbrella.
07 Misdiagnosis is what exacerbates the disease.
08 Seek medical attention at an advanced stage of the disease.
09 Lack of mental health law.
10 Lack of precise statistical data on the rate of mental disorders.
11 Lack of academic specializations in mental health.
12 Ignoring mental health issues in academic medicine programs.
13 Lack of research and clinical surveys on the management of mental disorders.
14 Lack of trained specialist staff.
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