– The NATO Summit opens in Brussels


The NATO summit opens Wednesday in Brussels in a tense atmosphere, in the spirit of US President Donald Trump, which Europeans call "the appreciation" of its allies .

They refused to reveal their names that everything was ready: final declaration, projects and commitments. Trump left Washington in an aggressive tone, provocatively declaring that his meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki could be "easier" than the summit of the Atlantic The President of the United States. European Union, Donald Tusk, spoke to Trump on Tuesday about the inconvenience caused by his daily critics and asked him to "appreciate" his allies "because America does not want to be seen. not many . " "

He also declared that Europe was" the first to act "after the September 11 attacks on the territories -" Frank Speaks "-

The Secretary NATO General, Jens Stoltenberg, has shown himself very dissatisfied with this tension and has not hidden his obsession with the summit's work. "I will not be surprised that there is

The Allies pledged in 2014 to devote 2% of their GDP to defense by 2024, but about 15% of their GDP was spent in defense by 2024, Member States The alliance, including Germany, Canada, Italy, Belgium and Spain, still passes its defense below the 1.4% threshold in 2018 and will be unable to honor his promise that troubled Trump

NATO countries must pay more, the United States must pay less. [C'est] absolutely unfair . "[1965] 9003] Stoltenberg "I hope that during the summit we will be able to hold frank and honest discussions about differences of opinion, but it is my duty to lessen their influence on the Alliance. . "

– ] By Putin –

Stoltenberg would not comment on the decision to cancel – at Trump's request – the Trident Janet exercises planned for the year. autumn in Norway, which should be the most important in the history of NATO since the end of the cold war. It could be considered a threat to Russia and it would cost US taxpayers a lot .

The US President annulled

But Stoltenberg insisted that the Allies wanted clarification on Trump's intentions before meeting his Russian counterpart . It is very necessary that President Trump meets Vladimir Putin. "" We will be able to discuss with him during the summit of relations between NATO and Russia, it is important that the alliance remains united . "A military source told the US AFP that the American withdrawal of Trident Giant maneuvers "The Allies should not increase their spending to appease the United States, but because it is in their interests ."

Stoltenberg said that all the decisions to be taken during the summit were aimed at strengthening NATO's deterrent capability. [4] x30 " NATO countries will engage to be able to to be deployed by 2030 [30] 30 days, 30 automatic battalions, 30 squadrons of aircraft and 30 combat ships to be able to face a military operation against Russia considered as a potential attack

The Secretary General of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (OTA N) Improvements quickly if necessary. All of this helps to make our deterrence credible . "



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